TFW Engineering Sdn Bhd
PTD 210754,
Jalan Sungai Tiram,
81800 Ulu Tiram,
Johor, Malaysia.

Project Reference

Project Title Industry Completion
Piping Replacment Project- Methane Alison Voctoria; CS Pipe Spools for PE Coating Process (8,000 dia inch)  Marine Aug 2020
Supply and Fabricate Long Son Condensate Carbon Filter Skid x 2 nos  Petrochemical September 2020
Supply and Fabricate Chlorine Generator Skid (500kg/ Day) Domestic November 2020
Supply and Fabricate SS316 MBR Skid Header Domestic  July 2020
Supply and Fabricate SS304 MBR Skid for Peru Water Reclamation Plant (20 skids) Domestic June 2020
Supply and Fabricate Metering Skid for Caiyu Nozzle Test Bench Project Oil & Gas June 2020
Piping Replacement Project for Taitar 4. Fabrication of the CS Pipe Spools for the PE Coating Process (App. 10,000 Dia. Inch). Marine  January 2020
Supply and Fabricate of Pipe Spools, Pipe Support, Skid and Assembly Works for Jawa 1 CPP Project Power Plant April 2020
Supply and Fabricate of Chemical Dosing Pump Skid (7 Skid) for Lotte Riau Power Plant Project Power Plant  January 2020
Supply and Fabricate the SS Structural Support for Korea Godeok MBR Project (88 Sets) Power Plant January 2020
Supply and Fabricate of Pipe Spools, Pipe Support and Skid Assembly Works for Cirebon CPP and WWTP Project Power Plant Apr 2020
Supply and Fabricate the SS 316 MBR Skid for Jurong WRP membrane replacement project (78 skids) Domestic  March 2020
Supply and Fabricate the Gas Metering Skid – 4 System for Gulf Sriracha Project Power Plant August 2019
Supply and Fabricate UF Valve Unit Rack (22 sets) with assembly works (Pipe Spools supplied by customer) for Jurong Island Desalination Plant. Domestic July 2019
Supply and Fabricate the Gas Metering Skid – 2 System for UAE Layyah TM Package Power Plant June 2019
Site Installation and Commissioning Supervision Services for Egypt Port Said SWRO Plant (For Asahi MF System) Domestic Ongoing
Supply of Gas Metering Skid for Kinyerezi II Gas Power Plant Project Power Plant May 2019
Supply and Fabricate a 40 foot Containerized Demin System for TAMBAK LOROK CCPP BLOCK 3 PROJECT Power Plant  April 2019
Supply and Fabricate of Pipe Spools, Pipe Support and Skid Assembly Works for IFFCL 2 Project (12,000 Dia Inch and 15 Tonnes)
Trial Fix the MMF and CPP Polisher System
Electrical & Instrumentation Works
Fertilizer plant June 2019
Supply and Fabricate the Piping and Steel Structural Works for Tanjung Jati B 5 & 6 Condensate Polisher Plant for Power Plant Project Power Plant March 2019
Chemical Dosing Skid and Pipe Support for Tanjong Jati 5 & 6 Wastewater Treatment Plant Power Plant July 2018
Fabrication of RO Skid for Springvale MPPS Project (53 PV/ Skid) – 5 Skid Power Plant  September 2018
Pipe Support and HDPE Interconnecting Pipe Spools for Indonesia Central Jawa CPP Plant Power Plant  June 2018
Supply and Fabricate the Gas Metering Skid – 2 System for Turakurgan Project Power Plant  March 2018
Containerized BWRO System for 13 MLD WWT Plant
(40’ Container) – 3 set
General Industrial April 2018
KNPC Project 
Supply and Fabricate the Oil & Fuel Metering Skid – 23 sets
Including the Full Flow Test with flowrate of 1,250 cmh and 2,500 cmh
Oil & Gas May 2018
Electrocholorination Skid for Chestnut Avenue Water Works (4 Skid) Water Works  June 2018
Indonesia Jawa 2 – CCCP Project
MBE Skid and related interconnecting pipe spools & support
Power Plant  January 2018
Lontar Extension (Coal Fired Steam Power Plant)
To Supply and Fabricate
a)       Interconnecting Pipe Spools
b)       Pipe rack/ Support
c)       Chemical dosing Skid
Power Plant  August 2017
Central Jawa 2 x 1000 MW Coal Fired Power Plant Project
To supply and Fabricate
a)     SWRO Skid @ 320 m3/Hr (Feed Flow) x 3 skid
b)     BWRO Skid @ 95 m3/Hr (Feed Flow) x 2 skid
c)     Chemical Dosing Skid – 8 skid
Power Plant July 2017
MBR Pilot Plant
To supply a Skid Mounted MBR Pilot Plant with Ozonation as cleaning process – 72 m3/ Day
Municipal April 2017
Jurong Rock Cavern Phase 1 Project MMF Filtration Unit
a)     MMF Feed Pump Skid c/w GRV Pipe
b)     MMF Backwash Pump Skid c/w GRV Pipe
c)     Off Spec. Skid c/w GRV Pipe
d)     Air Blower Skid c/w GI Pipe
Oil & Gas December 2016
Amkor Technology 150 usgpm UPW System
Supply and Fabrication of a Two Pass RO Skid and ROCIP Skid
Semiconductor Industrial August 2016
Banggai Ammonia Plant (BAP) Project
Supply and Fabricate SWRO Skid (3 sets), BWRO Skid (3 sets) and Inge MF System Valve Unit (3 sets)
Chemical Plant July 2016
Mae Moh Power Plant Unit 4 – 7 Replacement Project
Supply and Fabrication of various MF, RO, CEDI, Chemical Dosing Skid (20 Skid) for Demineralization Plant
Interconnecting Piping System for Demin Plant. Type of Piping Materials: CPVC, SS, HDPE and GRE
Power Plant August 2016
Hypocholorite Generation Package for FPSO FPSO August  2016
Algeria Megadeal CCPP Plant
Supply and fabrication of Pipe Spools and Skidded System for DM and WWTP System
Power Plant August 2016
Amkor Technology 500 usgpm UPW System
Supply and Fabrication of 3 Two Pass RO Skid, Chemical Dosing Skid and ROCIP Skid
Semiconductor Industrial February 2016
Yanbu Power & Desalination Plant – Phase 3
Pipe Spools and Chemical Skid System
Power Plant June 2016
MBR Pilot Plant
To supply a Containerized MBR Pilot Plant with Ozonation as cleaning process – 2 m3/ Day
Municipal December 2015
Changi NEWater Project II
To supply and fabricate the MF Skid with 220,000 m3/ Day output NEWater Plant
Scope of Supply:
-Details Engineering for Mechanical Drawing
-MF Skid Frame x 12 sets
-HDPE Piping within the Skid c/w Various Valve
-Instrumentations and Control
Municipal December 2015
Construction of Desalination and Power Plant – Yanbu Phase III
-To supply and Fabricate the Pipe Rack and Support
-To fabricate the Pre – Fab SS and CS Spools for Demin Plant
Power Plant, Saudi July 2015
Rabigh Phase II Petrochemical Project
To Supply and Fabricate the SS Pipe Spools and Structural Support for Remin System
Oil & Gas, Saudi July 2014
ARL Upgrading Project
-Supply and Fabricate of RO Skid (Mechanical & Electrical Works) – 2 sets
-Chemical Dosing Skid (5 Sets with CPVC piping)
-RO CIP Skid
Oil & Gas, Pakistan August 2014
Talin Renewal Project (Phase II)
-Supply and fabrication of pipe spools, pipe rack (30 tonnes) and assembly works (SS/ CS: 22,000 Dia Inch)
-Trial Fix the Condensate Polisher System
Power Plant, Taiwan Jun 2015
Fertilizer Project
-Supply and Fabricate of Pipe Spools, Pipe Support and Assembly Works (12,000 Dia Inch and 15 Tonnes)
-Trial Fix the MMF and Polisher System
-Electrical & Instrumentation Works
Fertilizer Plant, Nigeria July 2014
Talin Renewal Project (Phase I)
-Supply and fabrication of pipe spools, pipe rack (30 tonnes) and assembly works (SS/ CS: 22,000 Dia Inch)
-Trial Fix the Condensate Polisher System
Power Plant, Taiwan July 2014
Givaudan Project
-Supply and Fabricate UF and RO Skid 
Food and Beverage, Indonesia November 2013
Therma South Energy Unit 1 & 2 Project
-Supply and fabrication of UF Skid x 2 nos and RO skid x 2 nos
-Supply and Fabrication of 12,000 D-Inch Interconnecting Piping (CSRL, SS) and Pipe Rack (35 Ton) 
Power Plant, Philippines November 2013 
SUT Project (Sembcorp Multi-Utilities Facility)
-CSRL Pipe Spools fabrication for SUT Demin Plant
-18,000 D-Inch SS and CS Spools Fabrication
-Supply and Fabrication of GI Bolted Type Pipe Rack (40 tonnes)
-Site Installation of Demin Plant
Demin System for Power Plant, Singapore September 2012
GMR Project
-RO Skid, UF Skid, Chemical Dosing Pump Skid Fabrication and Site Installation for 20 cmh RODI Demin Plant  
Demin System for Power Plant, Singapore October 2012
MARC Project (RWS Marine Life Park)
-Site Installation for Water Treatment Plant of Marine Research Centre 
Marine Aquaculture Research
Center, Singapore
April 2012
Keppel Merlimau Cogen Project (75 cmh Demin. Plant)
-CPVC and SS Pipe Spool Fabrication
-Pipe Rack Fabrication
-Site Installation 
Demin System for Power Plant, Singapore December 2011
Tuas Multi-utilities Complex Project (TMUC)
-SS Pipe Spools Fabrication (11,000 Dia. Inch)
Demin System for Power Plant, Singapore December 2011
Flextronics System Relocation
-60 usgpm RODI Plant relocation (PVDF Pipe Spools Fabrication)
Semiconductor, Malaysia October 2011
Isabella Project
-RO Skid Fabrication and Assembly (3 x 175 cmh)
Chemical Plant, Philippines  July 2011
Flextronics System Relocation
-25 usgpm Portable Demin System Relocation and Pipe Spool Fabrication
Semiconductor, Malaysia March 2011
Vung Ang 1 Thermal Power Project
-SS Pipe Spool Fabrication
-Chemical Dosing Skid x 4 sets
Demin System for Power Plant, Vietnam Jan 2011

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